Have you picked up this fabulous magazine?
A very inspiring group of creative women featured in this current issue of Where Women Create.
The parasol project on page 28 & 29 crafted and embellished pretty umbrellas with our sealah no sew tape !
Tickled to see the project in this lovely magazine.
Can you see in the photo above our 30 yard roll of our 3/8 inch sealah no sew tape hanging on the tip of the parasol?
Here is a photo of beautiful Jennifer that loves our no sew adhesive products.
Thank you so much for using our product at your beautiful event in Georgia the article is wonderful!
My daughter Kay Ellen told me Beverly at How Sweet the Sound is having a celebration...
Happy 3rd PINK Birthday!
I also decided to have a giveaway in honor of the magazine article and the Pink Party Celebration!
Just leave a COMMENT and FOLLOW ME for a chance to win a copy of the magazine Where Women Create and a 5 yard variety pack of Sealah No Sew Adhesive Tape!
Thank you for stopping by!
Jodees Inc